Role of Mobile Device Management in Strengthening Cloud Security

From the desk of Kumari Suninda


IT administrators use MDM software to update mobile device systems, strengthen user policies, and enhance cybersecurity. Therefore, MDM is a software solution and an IT management practice. 


Typical MDM Services:


  • Install the applications 

  • Set the network of your choice 

  • Activate user accounts 

  • Set up the permissions 

  • Neutral machinery 


How Does Mobile Device Management Software Work? 


The pre-installation of Mobile Device Management software varies from platform to platform. But for most MDMs, the process starts with registering software or hardware on a server. Depending on the specific MDM solution, enrollment can be achieved by enrolling devices in vendor-specific systems (e.g., Apple, Google, Samsung, and Microsoft) or by manually connecting devices through tokens, QR codes, NFC chips, or email/SMS. 

Once the devices are registered, admins simply log into their MDM portal to see what’s happening. IT admins then use their management consoles to push configurations and applications over the air (OTA) to enrolled devices. Technically, the MDM server (software) sends a set of commands that are executed on devices through application programming interfaces (APIs) built into the operating system. 


Challenges in Mobile Device Management 


To get the most out of any managed mobility solution, operators need to understand the costs, issues, and challenges up front. Poorly managed remote controls obviously pose security risks, but what does that really mean? 


Below are common mobile device management challenges. 


1. Network access control 

Digital workspaces field requests from employees who want to use company-issued mobile devices and their own mobile devices. This hybrid approach makes it difficult to manage a network without compromising security. 

It’s important to ensure employees have access to company systems, apps, and data needed to keep everything running smoothly and securely. But unless people work, this doesn’t work! But balancing profitability and security is an ongoing challenge for most IT managers. Fortunately, network access control tools (NAC) such as those found in the Jump Cloud directory allow administrators to enforce security parameters that users and devices must meet to gain access. 


2. Data security 

The more devices connected to the network; the more points cybercriminals must access company systems. Unfortunately, smartphones and tablets pose a greater security risk because they tend to have less advanced anti-malware software compared to laptops and desktops. On the other hand, laptops and desktops are still primarily vehicles that must be processed, thus making it a prime target for operating criminal organizations.  


3. BYOD policies 

The number of personal devices has increased with the adoption of digital workstations. Supporting these devices has been a huge challenge. There is a lot of onboarding and offboarding as remote workers acquire new equipment and abandon old devices. Moreover, it is almost impossible to keep up with the latest mobile devices with new technologies in the market! 

Unfortunately, few organizations have effective BYOD policies in place. why? Many businesses assume that MDM software itself takes care of BYOD before investing in the platform, when this is not the case.


4. Lack of skilled labor 

According to the World Economic Forum, only 27% of small businesses and 29% of large companies have the digital talent needed to exploit the available applications. 

The problem is not lack of technology but lack of talent Of course, all these challenges can be overcome with the right strategies, systems and MDM software at your disposal.  


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Future Trends and Integration Possibilities  


As technology evolves, MDM and cloud security solutions will see further developments. These can include artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to enhance threat detection and response. 

It also covers EDR/XDR (endpoint/extended detection & response) integration and IAM (identity & access management). Additionally, it will provide a holistic approach to mobile cloud security by incorporating zero-trust security principles into MDM.  


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